Social Integration Center on June 18, 2021, together with Empathos partners and the Lithuanian Probation Service signed a partnership agreement for the project “Peaceful Communication – Language of Life (NVC)”.
The aim of the project is to ensure the well-being of children, youth and their families and to strengthen social integration in Lithuania by applying and implementing the NVC methodology developed and certified abroad.
NVC is the Language of Life, the Heart of Nonviolent, in other words it is a method that shapes a person’s way of life and communication, a way of life that helps them to listen and reconcile themselves and other people feelings and needs. The NVC methodology is designed to develop the empathy and upbringing skills of children/young people (including the child’s environment) and their families.
Foreign and Lithuanian researchers, describing the peculiarities of socialization of children / young people (especially persons with intellectual disabilities), note as one of the most striking features the shortcomings of positive communication and the lack of adaptive behavior skills of these persons. Many children are unable to understand language, communicate attentively, and communicate constructively. They are characterized by inertia, difficulties in maintaining relationships, superficiality of contacts, self-centeredness, egocentric goals of communication (self-satisfaction) and self-expression.
During the implementation of the project, the Peaceful Communication (NVC) methodology for working with children and young people with high-risk behavior and/or from unfavorable environments will be developed and adapted in Lithuania from abroad (Norway), that means: delinquent behavior in children who have already committed any kind of violation of the law, children with special educational needs (including children with behavioral and emotional disorders, mental and/or mental disabilities, or children with developmental disabilities); as well for the family of the child/young person (including the extended family); for child’s environment: for families, child care institution, school, local community, child/young person’s friends. Gert Skoczowsky-Danielsen (Norway) – CEO and Founder of Empathos Partners, a NVC trainer certified by The Center for Nonviolent Communication (USA) will train 6 experts from Lithuania how to apply NVC to project target groups. Trained experts will adapt NVC in Lithuania. Project duration 30 months.
The project is funded from 2014-2021 from the EEA Financial Mechanism Health Program.

Mobile information stand
Opening event of „Peaceful Communication – the Language of Life (NVC)”
„Peaceful Communication – The Language of Life (NVC)” training
Project “Peaceful Communication – Language of Life (NVC)” training in Oslo
Meeting of the working group of the project „Peaceful Communication-Language of Life (NVC)”.
Pilot training for the project „Peaceful Communication – the Language of Life” (No LT03-2-SADM-K01-034)